Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Module 5 Quiz Uta

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NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing

Module 1 Quiz

Question 1The World Health Organization has defined a community as: (Select all that apply)

  a. a grouping of people with the aforementioned annual per capita income

  b. a grouping of people with the aforementioned community health issues

  c. a group of people often living in a defined geographical area, who may share a common culture, values, and norms

  d. a grouping of people arranged in a social structure according to relationships which the community has adult over a period of fourth dimension

Question 2The cadre functions of Public Health are: (Select all that utilize)

  a. assessment

  b. policy development

  c. balls

  d. public debate

Question 3  Methods for data collection in conducting a customs assessment include: (Select all that utilise)

  a. informant interviews

  b. Windshield Surveys

  c. participant observations

  d. secondary analysis of existing information

Question 4  The bones principles of evidence-based practice can exist practical only at the individual level. (True or False)



Question 5Applied to nursing, evidence-based practise includes the best available prove from a multifariousness of sources.  These sources include: (Select all that apply)

  a. research studies

  b. nursing experience and expertise

  c. community leaders

  d. the local community newspaper

Question 6Assessment refers to: (Multiple Choice)

  a. conducting criminal investigations on residents of a selected customs

  b. separating paying patients from non-paying patients in customs wellness centers

c. systematically collecting data on the population, monitoring the population's health status, and making

information available about the health of community

  d. keeping records of all traffic violations in a given number of zip codes

Question 7Assurance refers to:

  a. the part of public wellness in ensuring that essential community-oriented wellness services are available, which may include providing essential personal wellness services for those who would otherwise non receive them

  b. ensuring that all citizens pay their fair share of taxes

  c. providing adequate animal control resources

  d. by-passing competence requirements for public health workers

Question 8Public health nursing is a specialty and is distinguished past the following characteristics: (Select all that appy.)

  a. It is population-focused.

  b. It is community- oriented.

  c. There is a wellness and preventive focus.

  d. information technology requires a Doctorate Degree to practice at an entry level.

Question 9Policy evolution refers to:

  a. endorsement of politicians who back up public wellness initiatives at the state level

  b. conducting research on epidemic outbreaks

  c. conducting petition drives in the community to secure federal funding for health care services

  d. the need to provide leadership in developing policies that support the health of the population, including the use of scientific knowledge- base in making decisions about the policy

Question 10A nurse who was working in public health care has gotten a new job in primary care.  A main departure to be seen by the nurse at the new task is a focus on individuals. (True or False).



Question 11Public health is defined every bit: (Multiple Choice).

  a. what we, as a lodge, practise collectiely to clinch the conditions in which people tin can be good for you.

  b. an insurance system to access health care services in rural areas

  c. the exclusive health care services of communicable diseases management

  d. public health policy designed specifically for elderly population groups

 Question 12Public health nursing, referred to in this textbook as population-centered nursing, has been impacted by: (Select all that apply)

  a. social forces

  b. economic forces

  c. political forces

  d. military forces

Question 13A nurse is completing a community assessment.  Which of the following actions would be virtually probable for the nurse to complete?

  a. Identify community needs and clarify bug

  b. Determine the weaknesses of a community

  c. Perform the core function of public wellness nursing

  d. Assesses individual needs within the community

Question 14A nurse gathers information nigh the condition of homes, sizes of lots, neighborhood hangouts, road atmospheric condition, and modes of transportation.  Which style of data collection is existence used?

  a. Windshield survey

  b. Participant observation

  c. Focus grouping

  d. Informant interviews

Question 15A community health nurse is conducting informant interviews in a small community.  Which of the post-obit would the nurse most likely contact?

  a. A local priest for congregation information

  b. The State Department of Health for death records

  c. Surrounding communities for criminal offence comparing

  d. The Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention (CDC) for illnesses in the area.

NURS4465 Population and Customs Nursing

Module 2 Quiz

Question 1Primary prevention (Select all that utilize)

  a. provides wellness promotion and teaching to prevent health bug in children

  b. includes teaching healthy lifestyles

  c. immunizing children for school entry

  d. is limited to children ages from 8 to 12 years old

Question 2Tertiary prevention in the schools: (Select all that apply)

  a. is the continued care of children who need long-term health care services, along with education within the customs

  b. making wellness referrals

  c. performing urinary catheterizations, dressing changes, peripheral or central line intravenous catheter maintenance

  d. teaching another person in the school how to intendance for the child in instance the nurse is not in the building when the child needs help DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF. pp. 923, 926

Question 3The measurement of incidence: (Select all that utilise)

  a. describes the severity of a illness in immature adults

  b. does non take into consideration a specified time as office of an incidence rate

  c. quantifies the rate of evolution of new cases in a population at adventure

  d. does take into consideration a specified fourth dimension as part of an incidence rate

Question 4  A windshield survey is a helpful first step in understanding the potential environmental health risks in a community.  Nursing observations tin can determine the post-obit characteristics of the customs: (Select all that apply)

  a. urban or rural in nature

  b. the historic period and condition of the housing stock

  c. proximity to factories, dump sites, major transportation routes

  d. the presence of contaminated waterways

Question v  As a counselor, the school nurse: (Select all that apply)

  a. may help withgrief counseling in the schools

  b. must have a reputation of being a trustworthy person

  c. should tell children if annihilation they reveal points out that they are in danger, the parents and school officials must be told

  d. should inform parents and school officials if children reveal annihilation that points out that they are in danger

Question 6  Federal public health agencies: (Select all that employ)

  a. develop regulations that implement policies formulated by Congress

  b. provide a meaning corporeality of funding to land and territorial health agencies for public wellness activities

  c. survey the nation's wellness condition and health needs

  d. neglect any testify-based practices in the implementation of public wellness policies.

Question 7  Adventure refers to:

  a.  the probability that an event will occur within a specified time period

  b.  the probability that an consequence volition not occur within a specified time period

  c.  a finite probability of an result occurring

  d.  none of the above

Question 8  The Occupational Safety and Health Assistants (OSHA): (Select all that utilize)

  a.  determines and sets standards and permissible exposure limits for hazardous exposures in the workplace

  b.  monitors compliance with occupational health and safe standards

  c.  educates employees and employers almost occupational wellness and safety,

  d.  sets the age limts for the retirement of industrial workers

Question ix  The 3 levels of prevention take ever been a part of wellness care in the schools.



Question 10  Toxicology is divers every bit:

  a.  the study of the Westward Nile virus

  b.  the written report of global warming

  c.  the basic scientific discipline practical to uderstanding the health effects associated with chemical exposures.

  d.  the injurious furnishings of insect bites

Question 11Epidemiologists investigate the distribution or patterns of health events in populations in order to characterize health outcomes in terms of: (Select all that apply)

  a. what, who

  b. where, when

  c. at what cost

  d. how, why

Question 12Epidemiology is:

  a.  the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related events in human populations and the application of this cognition to improving the health of communities

  b.  the study of population groups

  c.  the process of ensuring that wellness standards are met

  d.  the study of toxic substances in the surroundings

Question 13It is not necessary for the nurse to be diligent to take time for cocky-nurture and renewal while serving as a faith community nurse who provides spiritual intendance to support individuals, families, and communities in the healing and wholeness process.



Question 14Occupational health nursing is not an democratic exercise specialty.



Question 15School nurses give care to children as: (Select all that apply)

  a. direct caregivers

  b. educators

  c. legal mediators

  d. case managers

NURS4465 Population and Customs Nursing

Module 3 Quiz

Question 1The Human Genome Project is an international research project, funded by the U.S. Congress in 1988 and completed in 2003, that has mapped all of the approximately:

  25,000 genes in the human Dna

  2, 500 genes in the human Dna

  32,000 genes in man DNA

  15,000 genes in the human Deoxyribonucleic acid

Question 2  Among the Latino population in the United states, Latinos: (Select all that use)

  a. accept a higher prevalence of diabetes than that of the general population

  b. in migrant farmworker families have a lifestyle that makes it hard to obtain proper nutrition, adhere to weight control measures, and procure continuity of health care and medication administration necessary for skilful diabetes command.

  c. take higher rates of end-stage complications

  d. have a record of better diabetes control that that of the general population

Question three  Depression and stress are areas of business organisation among developed migrants.  This may exist related to: (Select all that apply)

  a. isolation

  b. economic hardship

  c. legal condition

  d. weather conditions that interrup their work

Question 4  Factors that limit acceptable provision of health intendance services to migrant population groups include: (Select all that apply)

  a. lack of cognition well-nigh services

  b. inability to afford care

  c. discrimination

  d. lack of fluency in English linguistic communication

Question five  Healthy People 2022 discusses vulnerable population groups and identifies affliction prevention and wellness promotion objectives for them.  I of the four goals of Salubrious People 2022 is the emptying of:

  a.  Safety net providers

  b. Carve outs

  c. Health disparities

  d. Case finding

Question 6  Key findings from early work to sequence the human genome were that: (Select all that use)

  a. all humans are 99.9% identical at the Dna level

  b. all humans are 50% identical at the Dna level

  c. all humans are 25% identical at the DNA level

  d. nearly 25,000 genes make up the human genome

Question 7A migrant worker is a laborer whose principal employment involves: (Select all that utilize)

  a. moving from a abode base to another location

  b. planting or harvesting agricultural products

  c. living in temporary housing

  d. enjoying the enforcement of legislation for field sanitation and safety regulations

Question 8A vulnerable population group is:

  a.  a group of individuals who lives in suburban areas

  b.  a subgroup of families in high-income communities

  c. a subgroup of the population that is more than probable to develop wellness issues equally a outcome of exposure to gamble or to have worse outcomes from these health bug than the rest of the population

  d. is e'er delinquest in keeping health care recommendations

Question 9Factors that have a negative influence on social and community violence include: (Select all that use)

  a. the lack of mass communication media

  b.changing social conditions

  c. population density

  d. work

Question 10Genetics refers to the study of the function and consequence of single genes that are inherited past children from their parents.



Question 11Genomics is the study of all of a person'southward genes including their interaction with i another, as well equally the interaction of a person'south genes with the environment.



Question 12Nursing assessments about vulnerable populations should include the following dimensions: (Select all that apply)

  a. questions nearly the customer'south perceptions of socioeconomic resources, including identifying people who provide support and fiscal resources

  b. assessment for congenital and genetic predisposition to disease

  c. an evaluation of family indebtedness status

  d. the presence of stress and healthy or dysfunctional family unit dynamics

Question 13The professional registered nurse provides the post-obit nursing intendance services for patients with or at gamble for a disease that arises from a genetic susceptibility: (Select all that apply)

  a. Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship of genetics and genomics to health, prevention, screening, diagnostics, prognostics, choice of treatment, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness;

  b. interpretation of x-ray findings

  c.Demonstrates ability to elicit a family wellness history (minimum of three generations); and

  d. Assesses clients' knowledge, perceptions, and responses to genetic and genomic information.

Question 14The four categories of child fail include: (Select all that utilise)

  a. physical

  b. economic

  c. medical

  d. educational

Question 15Violence is by and large divers as accidental acts, interpersonal or intrapersonal, that upshot in physical or psychological injury to one or more persons.



NURS4465 Population and Community Nursing

Module 4 Quiz

Question ane  Mutual cognitive responses to a tramatic event include: (Select all that use)

  a. memory loss

  b. confusion

  c. splendid ability to concentrate

  d. heightened ability to make decisions

Question ii  The start level of disaster response occurs at the local level with the mobilization of responders such as: (Select all that apply)

  a. local clergy

  b. fire department

  c. law enforcement

  d. public wellness

Question 3  The transmission of communicable diseases depends on the successful interaction of the following: (Select all that employ)

  a. infectious agent

  b. pesticides

  c. the host

  d. the surroundings

Question 4  Triage in a disaster setting centers on individuals only.



Question 5  Worldwide, infectious diseases are the leading killer of older adults.



Question 6A method used by public health workers to track the source of an infection in the Watersedge example is known as the:

  a.  multiple causation theory

  b.  Dna mapping

  c.  baseline screening

  d.  mapping technique

 Question 7Examples of infectious disease interventions based on primary prevention include: (Select all that utilize)

  a. eating place inspections

  b. rabies pre-exposure immunization

  c. irresponsible sexual behavior

  d. tetanus boosters and flu shots

Question 8Following a disaster event, nurses can expect the victims to showroom behavioral and emotional responses such equally: (Select all that apply)

  a. irritability

  b. stupor

  c. numbness

  d. being in command

Question 9Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted through exposure to: (Select all that apply)

  a. contaminated air

  b. blood

  c. semen

  d. transplanted organs

Question 10Nurses are prepared to use their skills in the post-obit ways in the case of disasters: (Select all that apply)

  a. assessment

  b. priority setting

  c. addressing both preventive and acute care needs

  d. community resource referrals and liaison work

Question 11The near common reportable communicable diseases in the United States is:

  a.  congenital syphilis

  b.  Herpes Simplex Virus 2

  c. Chlamydia

  d. Man papillomavirus (HPV)

Question 12This country has a revenue enhancement-supported health system that is endemic and operated by the government.  Services are available to all citizens without cost or for a small fee.

  a.  Southward Korea

  b.  Saudi Arabia

  c.  Cuba

  d.  The United Kingdom

Question 13Recent reports by departer visitors to this land betoken that the greatest perk for foreign residents is the loftier-quality, low-toll health care. In the bigger cities, at that place are hospitals with state-of-the-art equipment, also equally specialists in all fields and physicians with individual clinics.

  a.  Brazil

  b.  Portugal

  c.  Ecuador

  d.  Romania

Question 14Which of the following defines a disaster?

  a.  any event that results in multiple deaths

  b.  devastation that cannot exist relieved without assist

  c.  devastation that covers a wide geographic surface area

  d.  when the event results in multiple injuries and deaths, likewise as property harm

Question 15The following country requires residents to purchase health insurance:

  a. kingdom of the netherlands

  b. Spain

  c. Sweden

  d. Nihon

NURS4465 Population and Customs Nursing

Module 5 Quiz

Question 1Healthy People 2022 includes the following targeted national wellness objectives for mental health and mental disorders: (Select all that use)

  a. increase the proportion of persons with co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders who receive treatment for both disorders

  b. decrease the number of children with mental health problems who receive treatment

  c. reduce the suicide rate

  d. reduce the proportion of persons who experience major depressive episodes

Question 2Poverty refers to: (Select all that apply)

  a. having insufficient financial resources to meet basic living expenses

  b. belonging to a homogenous population grouping

  c. people who are more than likely to live in dangerous environments

  d. people who piece of work in loftier risk jobs, and swallow less nutritious foods

Question 3  At present, the following groups frequently constitute the homeless in both rural and urban areas: (Select all that apply)

  a. unmarried women

  b. adolescent runaways

  c. substance abusers

  d. mentally-ill individuals

Question four  Babies born to teenage mothers in the United States are at-gamble for many of the same problems as their immature mothers.  These include:(Select all that apply)

  a. school failure

  b. a well-established career pathways

  c. poverty

  d. concrete or mental illness

Question 5  Factors leading to the growing number of persons in poverty in the United states of america include: (Select all that apply)

  a. an abundance of employment opportunities

  b. inadequate education and task skills

  c. a growing number of households headed by women

  d. reduced Social Security payments to children

Question 6  Consumer advocacy movements for people with mental illness came well-nigh to fulfill unmet needs and to endeavor to decrease the stigma associated with mental affliction. (Truthful or Imitation)



Question seven  Objectives of Healthy People 2022 that address third prevention and are targeted to persons with serious mental illness are to: (Select all that use)

  a. reduce the proportion of homeless adults who have serious mental illness

  b. increase their employment

  c. decrease the number of adults with mental disorders who are incarcerated

  d. abet for stronger penalties for mentally ill persons who crusade customs disturbances

Question 8  Poverty has a straight effect on wellness and well-being across the lifespan.  Persons in poverty have: (Select all that apply)

  a. higher rates of chronic illness

  b. longer life expectancy

  c. unproblematic health issues

  d. higher rates of infant morbidity and mortality

Question ix  The leading cause of productivity loss because of inability in the United States is: (Multiple Choice)

  a.  heart disease

  b.  cancer

  c.  depression

  d.  neurological diseases

Question 10  When adolescents seek health care, it is often to discuss concerns most: (Select all that apply)

  a. how to follow a healthy lifestyle

  b. how to contain fruits and vegetables in their diets

  c. a possible pregnancy

  d. finding a birth control method

Question 11  When an adolescent seeks counsel from a nurse, it is of import that the nurse: (Select all that apply)

  a. rely on her own opinions about what adolescents need in club to provide advisable counsel to the adolescent

  b. take the adolescent's concerns seriously

  c. establish a trusting relationship

  d. divulge the boyish's' concerns without regard to patient confidentiality and privacy

Question 12In providing mental health services to individuals or groups, the role of the nurse at the basic practitioner level may include: (Select all that use)

  a. case management

  b. counseling

  c. psychobiologicall interventions

  d. milieu therapy

Question 13Melissa, a 16 twelvemonth-onetime, confides in you the nurse that she may be pregnant.  Your first course of action should include the following:

  a.  inform the school authorities where she attends schoolhouse

  b.  call her parents and notify them immediately

  c.  refer her to a psychologist for counseling services

  d. establish a trusting human relationship

 Question 14Strategies that are important to the nurse working with the poor and homeless include: (Select all that utilize)

  a. making assumptions nigh the poverty mindset of the poor and destitute

  b. creating a trusting environs

  c. showing respect, compassion, and concern

  d. analogous a network of services and providers

Question 15The post-obit characteristics are descriptive of crisis poverty: (Select all that apply)

  a. lives are usually marked by hardship and struggle

  b. homelessness is often transient or episodic

  c. homelessness may result from lack of pedagogy or employment, obsolete job skills, or domestic violence

  d. the homeless person may resort to cursory stays in shelters or other temporary accommodations

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